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研究了中国古诗英译的视角选择问题,认为鉴于英汉诗歌在语言特征、格律规律、审美倾向和文化思维等方面的差异,中国古诗英译过程中,译者可以不拘泥于原诗的形式,而根据译诗的意境来灵活选择视角。提出了采用局中人视角,将原诗的旁叙译为自叙,采用第二人称、将原诗的旁叙译为对叙;增译第二人称、将原诗的自叙译为对语等具体方法。  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to discover the perceptions of Florida law school administrators on the impact of the OFI (one Florida initiative) and the addition of two MSI (minority serving institution) law schools on diversity in Florida's legal profession. This research explored the impact of Governor Bush's EO (executive order) on diversity within the SUS (state university system) of Florida law schools. Further, this study examined the impact of the creation of two MSI law schools after implementation of the OFI, as perceived by the administrators. The concept of CRT (critical race theory) provides modern legal debates outlining the usefulness of historical civil rights policies in opinionated climates. This study will examine the role of CRT in relation to affirmative action and desegregation case law. CRT forms the framework for examining the impact of the creation of two MSI law schools in the state of Florida. In conclusion, this study found that minority representation in law schools has improved in Florida as a result of the OFI as well as the addition of two MSI law schools. Black representation, however, continues to lag behind other races, particularly the Hispanic population. This study concluded that the OFI has helped improve minority representation in the legal profession.  相似文献   
弗得伯格模型与我国企业专利竞赛策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍弗得伯格等人的二阶段专利竞赛模型,并将该模型与后动企业的竞争战略联系起来,提出了后动企业在专利竞赛中可以选择的三种战略,即理性的不战而退战略、进攻性的速战速退战略、防守性的紧跟战略,从而为后动企业参与专利竞赛提供了战略选择的依据。  相似文献   
通过对比实验研究 ,在普通高校中长跑教学中加强对学生学习目的意义教育 ,注重生理、心理知识的传授 ,采用灵活多样的练习方法 ,广泛运用游戏、竞赛等练习手段以及改革中长跑的考核制度 ,对提高中长跑教学效果有很大的促进作用  相似文献   
The article examines the theoretical and empirical literature on higher education’s role in relation to social equity and related notions of citizenship, social justice, social cohesion and meritocracy. It considers both the education and the research functions of higher education and how these impact upon different sections of society, on who benefits and who loses from them. Questions for future research on the wider impact of higher education are posed as well as some research questions on the narrower issue of widening participation.  相似文献   
了解不同国家与民族之间的差异,以其文化现象为切入点也不失为一条捷径,文化现象是多方面的,本文试从特殊的文化现象-数字文化为突破口,对俄汉两民族独特的数字文化进行分析和比较。  相似文献   
终身教育作为一种理念,已在国家法律中体现,而且越来越深入人心。电大远程开放教育作为终身教育体系的一个组成部分,应明确自己在该体系中的地位和作用,充分发挥自身优势,抢占远程教育制高点,并以终身教育理念为指导进行改革,更好地服务于终身教育和学习化社会。  相似文献   
马克思的两部类再生产模型中的各部类和全社会最高与最低积累率问题,是尚未获得完满解决的难点问题。本文运用单调函数的性质和求函数最大、最小值方法,通过解析,给出了静态意义下的各部类和全社会最高及最低积累率与两个部类结构参数的函数关系式。并且引用和借鉴《资本论》中的举例,对给出的函数关系式做了算例验证。  相似文献   
风格的翻译对文学作品的翻译起着关键作用。因此文学作品的翻译不仅应再现原文的思想内容,而且应该再现原文的风格。风格可以通过一定的方法在译文中得以再现。对风格的可译性、风格的再现及如何处理译者风格和原作风格的关系等问题进行讨论,使我们对风格的翻译有更深层次更全面的理解。  相似文献   
新石器时代是一个思考与探索的时代,人类的思维水平获得了长足的发展。在此基础上产生了自然崇拜、祖先崇拜与生殖崇拜。这三大原始崇拜反映了人类认识自然、战胜自然和认识人类自身、探索宇宙奥秘和人类组织结构形式的伟大创造精神。  相似文献   
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